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Identifikasi Objek
1. Autonomous Morphometrics using Depth Cameras for Object Classification and Identification
KEYWORDS : Depth Cameras; Classification; Morhometrics; Homography; B-Spline; Eigenfaces; Fisherfaces; Local Binary Pattern Histograms; Nerual Network;
ABSTRACT : Identification of individuals has been solved with many different solutions around the world, either using biometric data or external means of verification such as id cards or RFID tags. The advantage of using biometric measurements is that they are directly tied to the individual and are usually unalterable. READ MORE
2. Line Identification and Temperature Diagnostics of Eta Carina’s Sr-Filament
KEYWORDS : Sr-Filament; η Carinae; X-Shooter; Near-Infrared NIR Spectra; line list; forbidden lines; Boltzmann Plot; Temperature Diagnostics; Physics and Astronomy;
ABSTRACT : This bachelor thesis concerns the NIR spectral region of the Sr-filament, a substructure of the fan located in the equatorial skirt of Eta Carinae. The primary objective was to identify emission features intrinsic to the Sr-filament, and to tabulate these in a line-list spanning the spectral range λλ990 − 2410 nm. READ MORE
3. Object localization strategy for a mobile robot using RFID
ABSTRACT : One of the challenging issues in robotics is to give robots the ability to navigate itself in unknown environment without human help. In this thesis, we explored and evaluated object localization method for a mobile robot using radio-frequency identification (RFID) technology. READ MORE
4. Object Tracking and Face Recognition in Video Streams
ABSTRACT : The goal with this project was to improve an existing face recognition system for video streams by using adaptive object tracking to track faces between frames. The knowledge of what faces occur and do not occur in subsequent frames was used to filter false faces and to better identify real ones. READ MORE
5. Automatic identification and cropping of rectangular objects in digital images
ABSTRACT : Today, digital images are commonly used to preserve and present analogue media. To minimize the need for digital storage space, it is important that the object covers as large part of the image as possible. READ MORE
6. Reflective tomography using a TCSPC system – a study of current limitations and possible improvements
University essay from Umeå universitet/Institutionen för fysik
KEYWORDS : Reflektiv tomografi; TCSPC; bildbehandling; RJMCMC;
ABSTRACT : Time-correlated single photon counting (TCSPC) systems are used for range profiling. The systems offer cm precision at kilometer ranges. This opens up for long range imaging with high resolution, for example by reflective tomography. With range profiles from various aspect angles around a target reflective tomography can be used to create an image. READ MORE
7. RFID Emergency System for Tumble Detection of Solitary People
KEYWORDS : elektroteknik; electrotechnology; hälsa och vårdvetenskap; health and health science; emergency monitoring system; tumble detection; indoor localization system; toa; rfid; saw-rfid tag; trilateration;
ABSTRACT : RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) system is a wireless system without any kinds of mechanical or optical connection between identifying and detected objects. It consists of two basic devices: a reader and tag. READ MORE
8. Towards a Classification of Design Patterns for Web Programming
KEYWORDS : design patterns; web frameworks; Rails; Zend Framework; Struts; CakePHP; web programming; classification;
ABSTRACT : The evolution of WWW leads to continuous growth of demands that are placed on web applications that results in creating sophisticated web architectures. To minimize the complexity behind their design, software frameworks were introduced. READ MORE
9. Visualization techniques in Logistics : Case study on the strategy development for logistics network in Internet of Things era
KEYWORDS : Manufacturing industry; Logistics; IoT Internet of Things ; Visualization;
ABSTRACT : Twenty years ago, if someone said that every object could have its own identity, no one would agree and some might even think that was crazy. However, it turns out that the wild imagination is possible today. READ MORE
10. Investigating Federated Object Naming Service as Directory Service for the Internet of Things
ABSTRACT : The vision of the Internet of Things (IoT) covers not only the well-regulated processes of the supply chain, but also a more diffuse concept of items in the physical world being connected to attributes in the virtual world. Achieving this goal will require unique identification of every item and a homogenous, interoperable, robust infrastructure to provide access to the item’s inherent attributes as well as those acquired as it moves around. READ MORE
11. Improvement of Hazard Identification in Railway Software
KEYWORDS : HAZOP; action model; software risk assessment;
ABSTRACT : This thesis deals with the problem of creating more complete, less ambiguousHAZOP deviations. In order to conquer this task we develop a model for actions.An action is a process that changes at least one attribute of at least one object. Theactual model is split into three sub models. READ MORE
12. The Supplier Selection Process in the Swedish Pulp Industry: A Contingency Perspective
KEYWORDS : supplier selection; purchasing; sourcing strategies; supply chain; contingency theory; pulp industry; chemicals;
ABSTRACT : This thesis aims to study the supplier selection process through a theoretical lens grounded in contingency theory. The increasing importance of supplier selection as a tool for developing competitive advantages motivated the subject for this study. READ MORE
13. Human Factors in Automated Processes
KEYWORDS : automation; Human Factors; Human-machine interaction; User-centred design; human error identification; manual handling; task analysis; Technology and Engineering; Medicine and Health Sciences;
ABSTRACT : In today’s dynamic market the use of knowledge about Human Factors is becoming a competitive mean to drive development and enhance usability. This Master Thesis is an attempt to study how increased machine reliance will affect the usability of equipment at Tetra Pak and also how Human Factors methods can affect and improve the development of new products and processes. READ MORE
14. Providing access to a Public Transport Schedule system for Smart Phone Clients
ABSTRACT : This master thesis was conducted during an internship at HBT GmbH with the purpose of providing access to an existing public transport schedule system in Hamburg (Germany) for smart phone clients. A state-of-the-art literature review and an evaluation of an existing SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) based web service to access public transport schedule information were conducted to identify the drawbacks of the existing interface with respect to the limitations and characteristics of smart phone clients. READ MORE
15. Dynamic system identification of a strainfield
ABSTRACT : To be able to monitor forces acting on objects is important for a lot of dierent applications. In this case the object is a big steel disc and the forces to be monitored are those acting on the rim of the disc. This is done with strain gauges that register changes in the internal strain eld. READ MORE
16. Test bench for a Distibuted Data Collector (DDC)
ABSTRACT : A system for monitoring and analysing the state of equipment and processes in i.e. theindustry will help to increase productivity and prevent unscheduled stops for maintenance.To do so certain parameters needs to be measured and analysed. READ MORE
17. Strategic orientation of management accounting – A case study
KEYWORDS : Case study; Divestment; Evaluation; Management accounting; Outsourcing; Pharmaceutical industry; SMA; Strategic aspects;
ABSTRACT : This thesis aims to study the use of management accounting in a strategic context. How management accounting was used to accentuate strategic aspects in an evaluation process was studied through a qualitative case study. A global pharmaceutical company that evaluated the future of a number of its local products, constituted the object of study. READ MORE
18. Titan’s atmospheric composition from Cassini Ultraviolet Imaging Spectrograph data analysis
KEYWORDS : Life; astrobiology; Titan; atmospheres; physics; chemistry; organic compounds; UVIS; Cassini; Cassini-Huygens; data; analysis; star occultations; radiative transfer; absorption; cross sections; CH4; C2H2; HCN; C2H4; C2H6; C4H2; HC3N; C2N2; retrieval techniques; number densities; mixing ratios; SPICE; optical depths; spectra; PDS; density profiles;
ABSTRACT : Life and astrobiology related topics form a very wide field of study. One interesting subtopic is the identification of organic compounds in places other than Earth, their interrelation and the conditions they are subject to. READ MORE
19. The Entry Decision Tool A process for identification and evaluation of new business areas
KEYWORDS : industry specific factors; Entry decision; company specific factors; new businessarea; business model; strategic capabilities; competitive advantage; Technology and Engineering;
ABSTRACT : Ever since Scalado was founded in the year 2000, the company has grownremarkably fast compared to other mobile software companies. Today thecompany has a turnover of about SEK 150 million and is one of the largestmiddleware companies in the mobile phone industry. READ MORE
20. A Step Forward Towards 3D TV
KEYWORDS : signalbehandling; signal processing; 3d tv; stereo images; stereoscopic systems; data compression in 3d tv; optical flow and object segmentation.;
ABSTRACT : In this thesis, a novel algorithm is invented to detect and extract the foreground from background of stereo pair of images. In this way, an attempt can be made, using this technique towards data compression of 3D TV. This automatic extraction is achieved using motion detection and region segmentation techniques. READ MORE
21. Objects height estimation implementing an uncalibrated camera
KEYWORDS : datavetenskap; computer science – software engineering; computer science – artificial intelligence; signalbehandling; signal processing; height estimation; projective geometry; video analysis.;
ABSTRACT : Height estimation of objects can be implemented both for soft-biometrics and as an object tracking feature. In first case we can eliminate some possible subjects having considerably different height than the observed one, and focus on determining more distinctive remote identification features, like colour, face or ear, and search for similar subjects in a smaller set of possible candidates. READ MORE
22. Real Time Video Segmentation For Recognising Paint Marks On BadWooden Railway Sleepers
KEYWORDS : Condition Monitoring; Intelligent Vehicle; Videos; Color Segmentation; Spots objects ; Regions;
ABSTRACT : Wooden railway sleeper inspections in Sweden are currently performed manually by a human operator; such inspections are based on visual analysis. Machine vision based approach has been done to emulate the visual abilities of human operator to enable automation of the process. READ MORE
23. Real Time Video Segmentation For Recognising Paint Marks On BadWooden Railway Sleepers
KEYWORDS : Condition Monitoring; Intelligent Vehicle; Videos; Color Segmentation; Spots objects ; Regions;
ABSTRACT : Wooden railway sleeper inspections in Sweden are currently performed manually by a human operator; such inspections are based on visual analysis. Machine vision based approach has been done to emulate the visual abilities of human operator to enable automation of the process. READ MORE
24. Mobile client for SMART reaction
KEYWORDS : Computer Science; SMART; Reaction Media; Java; Mobile Client; J2ME; NFC; RFID;
ABSTRACT : Today users often do not provide suggestions or feedback for the environment around them because of uncertainty on who to contact, where to contact, time and effort required to participate actively. SMART system is intended to provide solution to facilitate users to easily recognize things and the objects around them for their suggestion or feedback. READ MORE
25. Information Exchange in Oligopolistic Markets
KEYWORDS : EG-rätt; Konkurrensrätt; Law and Political Science;
ABSTRACT : Both consumers and firms need information to make good choices – whether it regards buying the best product in relation to price or quality or making strategic business decisions. Some transparency is beneficial for competition, whereas some creates a risk for collusive behaviour among firms. READ MORE
26. Singular Value Decomposition and Discrete Cosine Transform based Image Watermarking
KEYWORDS : datavetenskap; computer science – general; computer science – electronic security; image watermarking; svd; dct;
ABSTRACT : Rapid evolution of digital technology has improved the ease of access to digital information enabling reliable, faster and efficient storage, transfer and processing of digital data. It also leads to the consequence of making the illegal production and redistribution of digital media easy and undetectable. READ MORE
27. Visual Semantic Web.Ontology based E-learning management system
KEYWORDS : datavetenskap; computer science – computersystems; computer science – artificial intelligence; computer science – software engineering; e-learning system; semantic web; ontology.;
ABSTRACT : E-Learning is a process in which we use the electronic medium to access the defined set of applications and processes. With its increasing identification and recognition in academic and corporate world, a unique model or framework is required. READ MORE
28. Identification of PHPT1 in mouse tissues by immunohistochemistry
KEYWORDS : Phosphohistidine; dephosphorylation; protein histidine phosphatase; phosphohistidine phosphatase; protein phosphorylation;
ABSTRACT : Although it has been estimated that protein histidine phosphorylation account for about 6 % of the protein phosphorylation in eukaryotic cells; the knowledge of histidine phosphorylation and dephosphorylation is still limited. Lately, studies have appeared of a mammalian 14-kDa phospho- histidine phosphatase, also named protein histidine phosphatase and molecular cloning have provided some information of its physiological role. READ MORE
29. A power efficient active RFID communication Protocol
ABSTRACT : Active Radio Frequency Identification (Active RFID) is a wireless automated technology used to identify, track, process and share information about an object or from the environment. As microcontrollers and radio frequency transponders are smaller in size, more power efficient, and less expensive, this technology is growing and starting to expand significantly through all the industries. READ MORE
30. Environmental management in the construction industry : a comparative analysis of Skanska’s risk assessment
KEYWORDS : Environmental Management System; ISO-14001; Risk Analysis; Hazop; Fault Tree Analysis; Simulation;
ABSTRACT : This thesis reviews the implementation of Environmental Management System at a construction company. The object of the study is the Gottlieb Skanska construction site at Shaft 10 of the Delaware Aqueduct at the West Branch reservoir north of New York City. READ MORE
eprintsundipacid 25433 oleh DA Khrisna – 2011 – Artikel terkait 12 Jan 2011 – Abstract Salah satu bidang yang berkaitan dengan pengolahan citra adalah pengenalan pola atas objek dua dimensi Penelitian ini dilakukan [PDF] Diagram Kelas Bagian I Identifikasi Objek Identifikasi Objek ittelkomacid staf mhd MateriKuliah PPT 04-class%20diagrampdf 2 14 2013 1 1 Diagram Kelas Bagian I Software System IT Telkom 14 02 2013 14:19:51 2 Identifikasi Objek • Cara mengidentifikasi objek: Artikel Pendidikan Network – MODUL IDENTIFIKASI OBJEK WISATA re-searchenginescom tripangesti6-07html Judul: MODUL IDENTIFIKASI OBJEK WISATA ALAM Bahan ini cocok untuk Semua Sektor Pendidikan bagian PENDIDIKAN EDUCATION Nama & E-mail [PDF] IDENTIFIKASI DAN TRACKING OBJEK BERBASIS IMAGE wwweepis-itsedu uploadta downloadmkphp?id=1662 IDENTIFIKASI DAN TRACKING OBJEK BERBASIS IMAGE PROCESSING SECARA REAL TIME Hendy Mulyawan, M Zen Hadi Samsono, Setiawardhana identifikasi objek wisata lyznhacurutblogspotcom 7 Jun 2012 – Hotel Puri Ayu adalah salah satu Hotel yang berada tepat di kota Denpasar,dimana Hotel Bintang 3 di Bali ini terletak hanya sekitar 30 menit Identifikasi Objek Arkeologi | Salsabila salsabila-ravinablogspotcom 2013 07 identifikasi-objek-arkeologihtml 6 hari yang lalu – Salsabila: Identifikasi Objek Arkeologi – YOUR DESCRIPTION [PDF]
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Objek dalam Foto Dengan Google Image Search
Hidup Digital Identify Objects in Photos With Google Image Search Ever search through old photos and struggled to identify an object in it? Well Google may be able to fix that Identifikasi Objek pajak (tahap pertama) | toDOng the blog sismiop05blogspotcom identifikasi-objek-pajak-tahap-pertamahtml 5 Sep 2012 – Identifikasi Objek pajak (tahap pertama) Tahap pertama adalah tahap persiapan, seperti namanya ditahap ini kita harus mempersiapkan Pemutakhiran data dengan Identifikasi Objek Pajak | toDOng the blog sismiop05blogspotcom pemutakhiran-data-dengan-identifikasihtml 5 Sep 2012 – Pemutakhiran data dilakukan untuk memperbaharui data mengenai objek pajak, secara prinsip pemutakhiran data termasuk kedalam Lembar Kerja Anak: Belajar Identifikasi Objek – Gambar Mewarnai gambarmewarnaicom lembar-kerja-anak-belajar-identifikasi-ob oleh gambar mewarnai Salah satu media tersebut adalah dengan lembar kerja anak untuk identifikasi objek Di bawah ini salah satu contoh lembar kerja anak yang dapat digunakan Nalar dan Identifikasi Objek – Prmobnet idprmobnet › Persepsi › Manusia ›
Fisik tubuh Nalar dan Identifikasi Objek nalar
dan Identifikasi Bagaimana kita dapat, misalnya, merasakan obyek seperti apel atau gunung atau bintang Kita hanya memiliki Polres Kolaka Identifikasi Objek Pengamanan Natal – ANTARA wwwantarasultracom polres-kolaka-identifikasi-objek-pengamanan-n 14 Des 2012 – ANTARAnewscom – Jajaran Polres Kolaka mengidentifikasi titik rawan yang akan menjadi objek pengamanan menyambut Natal dan tahun identifikasi dan inventarisasi objek wisata alam di rptn labuhan balurannationalparkwebid identifikasi-dan-inventarisasi-objek-wisata Karangtekok merupakan salah satu bagian dari kawasan Taman Nasional Baluran memiliki potensi wisata yang belum tergali dan dimanfaatkan secara optimal pemanfaatan citra ikonos untuk identifikasi objek – Penjelajah Bumi bumipenjelajahblogspotcom 2011 pemanfaatan-citra-ikonos-untukh 31 Des 2011 – Oleh karena itu penggunaan citra Ikonos untuk mengidentifikasi obyek Pajak Bumi dan bangunan (PBB) sangat dimungkinkanUntuk IDENTIFIKASI OBJEK BERGERAK BADA SISTEM KEAMANAN repositorygunadarmaacid › E-Journal ›
E-Journal Teknologi Industri oleh D Baskoro Tamahita
2012 – Artikel terkait 5 Mei 2012 – Title: IDENTIFIKASI OBJEK BERGERAK BADA SISTEM KEAMANAN BERBASIS CAMERA CAPTURE Authors: Baskoro Tamahita, Deny Rachmat Kusnadi: Mengenali Obyek yang tergambar dalam citra rahmatkusnadi6blogspotcom mengenali-obyek-yang-tergambar-dala 26 Sep 2010 – Identifikasi adalah kegiatan untuk mengenali objek yang tergambar pada citra yang dapat dikenali berdasarkan ciri yang terekam oleh sensor Polres Kolaka Identifikasi Objek Pengamanan Mudik Lebaran wwwciputranewscom polres-kolaka-identifikasi-objek-pengamanan- 14 Jul 2013 – Jajaran Polres Kolaka, Sulawesi Tenggara, mengidentifikasi titik rawan yang akan menjadi objek pengamanan mengantisipasi ledakan pemanfaatan citra ikonos untuk identifikasi objek pajak bumi dan publikasipascaugmacid files jurnal TeknosainVol1No2pdf oleh W Lestari – Artikel terkait 22 Jun 2012 – Ikonos untuk identifikasi obyek PBB adalah 89,54% dan kesalahan komisi adalah 10,46% sumber data utama untuk identifikasi objek geografi lingkungan: Penginderaan Jauh geoenvironblogspotcom 2012 04 penginderaan-jauhhtml 1 Apr 2012 – adalah kegiatan menafsir, mengkaji, mengidentifikasi, dan mengenali obyek pada citra, selanjutya menilai arti penting dari obyek tersebut rsgisforum-net : Message: Mohon Panduan identifikasi objek pada techgroupsyahoocom group rsgisforum-net message 15123 2 Nov 2009 – rsgisforum-net: Mailing-list untuk Forum Remote Sensing IDENTIFIKASI PERBEDAAN ANTARA RANCANGAN SISTEM alamaniakzblogspotcom identifikasi-perbedaan-antara-rancanganht 28 Des 2011 -
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Identifikasi objek dengan menggunakan kriteria
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Ide Judul Tesis Skripsi Object Indentification (Identifikasi Objek)
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